The Iran Nuclear Deal and American Partisanship
Senator Richard Lugar | September 22, 2015

The Role of Government in a Free, Fair, and Prosperous Minnesota
Ember Reichgott Junge, John Marty & Steve Sviggum | September 25, 2015

Liberalism and Racial Justice
Charles Mills | October 20, 2015

The One True and Verified Theory of How We Got So Rich: Liberty and Dignity
Deirdre McCloskey | October 29, 2015

Sanctity vs. Dignity in the Beginning and End of Life
Timothy P. Jackson | December 8, 2015

Climate Policy and Religion: Perspectives on the Papal Encyclical
Christina Peppard, Robert Stavins & Damon Linker | March 9, 2016

Jerks, Asshats, and the Unstable Politics of Civility
Mark Kingwell | March 31, 2016

What on Earth is Happening to our Country? The Moral Psychology of Political Division
Jonathan Haidt | April 1, 2016

American Fault Lines: Politics, Community and the 2016 Election
Dante Chinni | April 18, 2016
Fall 2015 Events
senator richard lugar
The Iran Nuclear Deal and American Partisanship
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Viking Theater, Buntrock Commons
Ember reichgott junge, john marty, and steve sviggum
The Role of Government in a Free, Fair, and Prosperous Minnesota
Friday, September 25, 2015
Viking Theater, Buntrock Commons
CHarles Mills
Liberalism and Racial Justice
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
St. Olaf College, Tomson Hall 280
Deirdre Mccloskey
The One True and Verified Theory of How We Got So Rich: Liberty and Dignity
Thursday, October 29, 2015
St. Olaf College, Tomson Hall 280
Timothy p. Jackson
Sanctity vs. Dignity in the Beginning and End of Life
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Viking Theater, Buntrock Commons
Spring 2016 Events
Christina Peppard, robert stavins, and damon linker
Climate Policy and Religion: Perspectives on the Papal Encyclical
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
St. Olaf College, Tomson Hall 280
Mark kingwell
Jerks, Asshats, and the Unstable Politics of Civility
Part of the IFC’s Two-Day Symposium on Disagreement: Constructive Political Discourse and Inquiry
Thursday, March 31, 2016
St. Olaf College, Tomson Hall 280
Jonathan Haidt
What on Earth is Happening to our Country? The Moral Psychology of Political Division
Part of the IFC’s Two-Day Symposium on Disagreement: Constructive Political Discourse and Inquiry
Friday, April 1, 2016
St. Olaf College, Black and Gold Ballroom
Sarah sobieraj
Extreme Incivility and Political Voice
Part of the IFC’s Two-Day Symposium on Disagreement: Constructive Political Discourse and Inquiry
Friday, April 1, 2016
St. Olaf College, Black and Gold Ballroom
dante chinni
American Fault Lines: Politics, Community, and the 2016 Election
Monday, April 18, 2016
Viking Theater, Buntrock Commons
nadav shelef
Nationalism and Identity in Israeli Politics
Monday, May 2, 2016
St. Olaf College, Sun Ballroom